Is the mystery of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics captured by Contextuality?
Zapraszamy w środę 01.07.2020 o godz. 14:00 na seminarium.
Seminarium ONLINE pod tytułem: "Is the mystery of wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics captured by Contextuality?" poprowadzi Giovanni Scala, University of Bari
Abstract: Wave-particle duality is considered to be one of the true misteries of quantum theory. However its core phenomenology can be reproduced by a local and noncontextual ontological model for particularly designed interferometric setup. Open is the question whether there is a connection between wave-particlle duality and contextuality in general scenarios. In this talk we focus on Englert's inequality that provides a quantitatively description of wave-particle duality in terms of visibility and distinguishability. The goal of this project is to explore whether contextuality is necessary for saturating the inequality for any values of visibility and distinguishability.