Open quantum systems and potential engineering
Zapraszamy w piątek 07.02.2020 o godz. 12:15, sala 361 na seminarium.
Seminarium pod tytułem: " Open quantum systems and potential engineering" poprowadzi Stefano Cusumano, NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore and Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR (Pisa)
As I will shortly move to ICTQT, in this talk I will try to give an overview of my work during the PhD. During this period I worked mainly on open quantum systems, applying collisional models to study both cascade systems (i.e. systems with a chiral propagation of information) and thermodynamic problems. On the other side, I also worked on potential engineering, that is, the design of potential profiles in order to obtain quantum states with specific properties or to perform specific tasks.