Spectral Metric and Einstein Functionals.

Welcome to our next seminar. 

The seminar will be held in room no. 361 at IFTiA, as well as online at the following link:



Meeting ID: 943 6141 4308 

Passcode: 78pA05 

Date: 17.06.2022 @ 12:15 


Speaker: prof. Andrzej Sitarz Title : Spectral Metric and Einstein Functionals


I'll review the concept of expressing the two basic notions of Riemannian geometry using spectral methods and Wodzicki residue over the algebra of pseudodifferential operators. This approach admits generalizations to the framework of noncommutative geometry. Based on joint work with L.Dabrowski and P.Zalecki

Pokaż rejestr zmian

Data publikacji: środa, 15. Czerwiec 2022 - 12:50; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 15. Czerwiec 2022 - 12:59; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek