Port-based teleportation performance for teleporting many quantum systems


Zapraszamy w piatek 03.12.2021r. o godz. 12:15

Seminarium HYBRID FORM  pt.: Port-based teleportation performance for teleporting many quantum systems. Speaker: dr Michał Studziński, Affiliation: University of Gdańsk




Abstract:The family of port-based teleportation (PBT) protocols allows for transmission of an unknown quantum state without the necessity of correction on the receiver's side and has found a lot of important applications in quantum information theory - in both, theoretical and practical aspects. In this talk, we summarise shortly the state of the art on the PBT. Next, we move to the new question of how well PBT and its variants can help in transmitting quantum systems of a large dimension or composite ones. We show that by allowing for a gentle modification of PBT, which is a permutation of the ports we can outperform existing variants of PBT in transmitting a large amount of quantum information. This property shows a new possible direction of research which is the trade-off between the performance of a given teleportation protocol and allowed correction on the receiver's side.  In particular, we identify non-linear rates of transmission with the number of shared qubits and critical exponents giving us some kind of 'phase transition' between effective and non-effective PBT protocols. From the mathematical side of the problem, we show how our approach connects with the representation theory of symmetric group distorted by partial transposition.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 24. Marzec 2022 - 12:19; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek Ostatnia zmiana: czwartek, 24. Marzec 2022 - 12:19; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek