Physics and Metaphysics of Wigner’s Friends.


Zapraszamy w piątek 25.03.2022r. o godz. 12:15

Seminarium ONLINE pt.: Physics and Metaphysics of Wigner’s Friends.(Speaker: dr Marcin Markiewicz)



Abstract: Recently there appeared many works on modified Wigner's Friend paradoxes, which suggest that quantum theory cannot consistently describe the scenario with many observers. In this presentation I will show an alternative approach to this problem, which indicates that the paradoxes are in fact apparent, and the source of confusion is the undefined status of the measurement process. The talk will be based on recently published work "Physics and Metaphysics of Wigner’s Friends: Even Performed Premeasurements Have No Results" by  Marek Żukowski and Marcin Markiewicz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 130402 (2021).

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 24. Marzec 2022 - 12:02; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek Ostatnia zmiana: czwartek, 24. Marzec 2022 - 12:02; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek