A class of Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses in C^4 ⊗ C^4 : optimization and the spanning property


Zapraszamy w piątek 11.03.2022r. o godz. 12:15

Seminarium ONLINE pt.: A class of Bell diagonal entanglement witnesses in C^4 ⊗ C^4 : optimization and the spanning property, (Speaker: dr Anindita Bera ,Affiliation: Institute of Physics Astronomy and Informatics Nicolaus Copernicus University)



 Abstract:Two classes of Bell diagonal indecomposable entanglement witnesses in C^4 ⊗ C^4 are considered. Within the first class, we find a generalization of the well-known Choi witness from C^3 ⊗ C^3 , while the second one contains the reduction map. Interestingly, contrary to C^3 ⊗ C^3 case, the generalized Choi witnesses are no longer optimal. We perform an optimization procedure of finding spanning vectors, that eventually gives rise to optimal witnesses. Operators from the second class turn out to be optimal, however, without the spanning property. This analysis sheds a new light into the intricate structure of optimal entanglement witnesses.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 24. Marzec 2022 - 11:49; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek Ostatnia zmiana: czwartek, 24. Marzec 2022 - 11:49; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek