"Current Trends in Quantum Information" -KCIK on-line session


Zapraszamy w czwartek 21.05.2021 o godz. 10:00 na KCIK on-line session.

WebpageKCIK - Krajowe Centrum Informatyki Kwantowej (ug.edu.pl)

10:15-10:55  "Bell’s inequalities for many body systems: from dynamical programming  to data driven approach" poprowadzi  Maciej Lewenstein (Barcelona);

15:30-16:10 "Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups" :poprowadzi Andrew Childs (Maryland);


10.00    Opening of the session by Wiesław Laskowski, Vice-Rector of the University of Gdańsk, Head of the KCIK Council

including: Golden, Silver and Bronze KCIK Awards’ results for 2020

 A) keynote speaker

10.15 - 10.55  Maciej Lewenstein (Barcelona): Bell’s inequalities for many body systems: from dynamical programming  to data driven approach [abstract]

 Abstract: In this paper we reconsider various methods of deriving novel Bell’s inequalities: form direct approach employing symmetries (permutational invariance, translational invariance), though dynamical programming, presented in [Phys. Rev. X 7, 021005 (2017)] , in which energy served as detector of nonlocality, to data driven and statistical physics approaches, We compare these approaches, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

 B) talks of Laureates of the 2020 KCIK Award

11.00 - 11.25  distinguished Master Thesis: to be announced

 11.30-11.40  coffee break

 11.40 - 12.05  Bronze prize -  awarded Master Thesis: to be announced

 12.10 - 12.35  Silver prize -  awarded Ph.D. Thesis: to be announced

 12.40-15.30 lunch break 

(including the on-line meeting of the KCIK Council at 14.00)

 C) keynote speaker

15.30 - 16.10  Andrew Childs (Maryland): Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups 

 Abstract: Aaronson and Ambainis (2009) and Chailloux (2018) showed that fully symmetric (partial) functions do not admit exponential quantum query speedups. This raises a natural question: how symmetric must a function be before it cannot exhibit a large quantum speedup? In this work, we prove that hypergraph symmetries in the adjacency matrix model allow at most a polynomial separation between randomized and quantum query complexities. We also show that, remarkably, permutation groups constructed out of these symmetries are essentially the only permutation groups that prevent super-polynomial quantum speedups. We prove this by fully characterizing the primitive permutation groups that allow super-polynomial quantum speedups. In contrast, in the adjacency list model for bounded-degree graphs (where graph symmetry is manifested differently), we exhibit a property testing problem that shows an exponential quantum speedup.

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Data publikacji: poniedziałek, 17. Maj 2021 - 12:15; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek Ostatnia zmiana: poniedziałek, 17. Maj 2021 - 12:15; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek