Classical description of bosonic quantum fields in terms of the reduced-state-of-the-field framework


Zapraszamy w czwartek 28.04.2021 o godz. 14:00 na seminarium.

Seminarium ONLINE pod tytułem:"Classical description of bosonic quantum fields in terms of the reduced-state-of-the-field framework"  poprowadzi  Tomasz Linowski (ICTQT, UG)

Abstrac:We discuss compatibility between various quantum aspects of bosonic fields, relevant for quantum optics and quantum thermodynamics, and the mesoscopic formalism of reduced state of the field (RSF). In particular, we derive exact conditions under which Gaussian and Bogoliubov-type evolutions can be cast into the RSF framework. To strengthen the link between the RSF formalism and the notion of classicality for bosonic quantum fields, we prove that RSF contains no information about entanglement in two-mode Gaussian states. For the same purpose, we show that the entropic characterisation of RSF by means of the von Neumann entropy is qualitatively the same as its description based on the Wehrl entropy. Our findings help bridge the conceptual gap between quantum and classical mechanics.

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Data publikacji: poniedziałek, 10. Maj 2021 - 15:03; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek Ostatnia zmiana: poniedziałek, 10. Maj 2021 - 15:03; osoba wprowadzająca: Dorota Pitra-Ptaszek